9 am - 8 pm
9 am - 8 pm
9 am - 8 pm
9 am - 5 pm
9 am - 3 pm
9 am - 3 pm
Note: The library is open most Saturdays throughout the year,
with the exception of summer holiday weekends.
UPDATE 12/30/2024: Beginning on Tuesday, December 31, 2024, please call the library (508-646-2829) to reserve a museum pass. Thank you.
The Library will be closed
Monday, January 20
in Celebration of Martin Luther King's Birthday
The Library will be open Saturday, January 18 from 9 am to 3 pm
Special Events
Click on any flyer to enlarge
Somerset Public Library Closed
Until Further Notice
COVID-19 Update: For the health and well-being of our community, the library will be closed to all patrons and staff until further notice.
Per Governor Baker's order of May 18, all nonessential businesses in the Commonwealth have been advised to close, effective until May 25, 2020. As such, the Somerset Public Library is temporarily closed to the public. While we have been working to find ways to continue to provide service to our patrons, the health of our patrons and staff is our utmost concern.
Staff will check the library email accounts and will respond as quickly as possible. For general email questions, please use You may also leave a phone message at 508-646-2829 and someone will return your call.
Please also check out our Facebook page at
Additional Information:
* You can access our online resources here
* You can apply for an online card if you do not already have one in the SAILS network here
You will not need to visit the library to get a permanent card until two months afterwards instead of the usual three weeks.
* You can apply for a Boston Public Library e-card to access their online services here
* Any items that you have out at this time have had their due dates extended to July 9, 2020. You can still return items in our book drop if you choose to do so.
* There will be no fines generated on late items while the library is closed.
* Any items that you may have on hold at this time have had their pick-up dates extended to June 15, 2020.
* You can still place holds on items, but they will not be filled until delivery has been restored and the library is reopened. We don't know when that will be at this time.
* If your library card was set to expire in March, April or May of 2020, your new expiration date is now September 1, 2020, allowing you to continue accessing online resources.
Curbside Promotional Information
The Somerset Public Library is pleased to announce that we are offering curbside pick-up service of library materials until we can reopen our doors to the public.
Items that are available are only items that are currently on the shelves of the Somerset Public Library. You can check to see what we have by using the online catalog here. We can also check to see if a particular title is available for you or you can tell us the types of items that you like and we can choose some for you.
You can submit your request through email at or by phone at 508-646-2829. We will need the title(s) that you are looking for or types of items, your name, phone number and library card number.
If you do not have a library card, you can apply for one online here.
Library materials will be checked out to your card in advance of pick-up and banded with a rubber band.
A pick-up time will be scheduled for you. All pick-up times are 15 minutes apart from one another, and will be on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The pick-up location will be alongside the building on the North side. This is the side that is next to the Old Town Hall. There will be a sign indicating where you can wait.
Please wear a face mask at the time of pick-up. Our staff member will also wear a mask.
A staff person will come out to you at your assigned time and ask you the name of the person for whom you are receiving the items. We will not need to see your i.d. or library card when you arrive.
You CAN be on bike or foot when you pick-up your library items.
Friends or family members can pick up for others.
You can accept your items by hand or open your trunk for us to place them inside.
Library materials will not be due until at least July 9th. There is no need to return items until then. If you choose to return items prior to the reopening of the library, you may do so in the book drop only. Please do not hand returning items to the staff person.
We reserve the right to not provide service to anyone who jeopardizes the safety of the staff and other patrons.
We are unable to perform any other library services at this time (photocopying, answering reference questions, etc.).