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Diane White-
Library Director

Lisa Kelly
Head of Children's Department


Need help deciding what to read next?  Check out these age appropriate and topical suggestions.

Thinking about your future?

Are you curious about what kind of careers, certifications and degrees are out there?  Click the link below for more information.

Using Tablet at the Park_edited_edited_e

Movies, books

and more!

Hoopla 10 checkouts.png
Looking for popular series, titles or characters in our collection? Please visit the link above to see what is available within our catalog.
Piles of Books
Paint Cans


Are you a crafty person looking for some new ideas?


Looking for some information on getting your license?

Driving Lesson

Are you interested in volunteering your time?

Girls in the Library

For more available resources for teens, click the link below.

Computer desktop

Why not enter your skills into a contest?  Click the links below for teen friendly contests and submission information.

Cutout Stars

Horror is Lit!
Are you a fan of the horror genre?

We are hoping to offer a writing workshop for teens using examples from horror films and literature.  Teens will have encouraging opportunities to write and learn from a young adult author. Do you like to write? Email Lisa at to be notified when we have more details.

Book suggestions/click the image to enlarge.

Announcements, Programs

and Events.

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